Nowadays, the need to protect the environment is becoming more and more pressing, especially after the environmental catastrophe that occurred last month here in Galicia: a merchant boat lost part …
Category: Blog

Good habits for more efficient recycling
After completing both workshop sessions and understanding the importance of recycling and thecircular economy, one participant decided to change a few habits and improve his lifestyle and benefit that of …

Filter bottles: our ally against water and plastic waste
Filter bottles are a sustainable alternative to traditional water bottles and offer several significant environmental benefits. Firstly, they significantly reduce the need to purchase disposable water bottles, helping to mitigate …

Biomass and its usefulness
Biomass is a heterogeneous source of energy as it can appear in various forms: agricultural waste (stubble), forestry (cleaning of forests and river basins), agri-food (waste from the livestock industry …

TD&AD Application 2
Years ago, Spanish kitchens used everything that was left over to make new dishes,almost nothing was thrown in the garbage bin. Our grandmothers added stale bread to soup,with leftover stew …

TD&AD Application 1
Thanks to the TD&AD project we have learned about the new uses for objects that before we only thought they could go to the trash. Learning to see beyond what …

New Habits for Sustainable Lifestyle
One Portuguese family has shared their newly adopted sustainable habits with us. Firstly, they actively engage in garbage separation, contributing to effective recycling and waste reduction. Secondly, the family employs …

New Habits for Sustainable Lifestyle
Another Portuguese family has adopted sustainable habits, such as buying groceries in bulk to reducepackaging and storing items in reusable glass jars. They actively separate garbage for recycling, contributing to …

New Habits for Sustainable Lifestyle
Portuguese families are adopting new habits to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. For instance, they utilize reusable Bee Wraps to wrap snacks for their children’s school lunches, reducing the reliance …